Edinburgh Partners Acquired by Franklin Resources

Edinburgh Partners Acquired by Franklin Resources

You may have seen the announcement this week that Edinburgh Partners has agreed to be acquired by Franklin Resources, Inc., the parent of Franklin Templeton Investments. Edinburgh Partners has been a strategic partner...

Softwood Lumber Dispute in Context

Softwood Lumber Dispute in Context

The U.S. protectionist and America-first mentality have undoubtedly been re-invigorated by Donald Trump’s election. The Softwood Lumber Agreement (SLA) between Canada and the U.S. is being renegotiated and Trump continues to threaten to...

What’s the Difference Between a Time-Weighted Rate of Return and a Money-Weighted Rate of Return?

What’s the Difference Between a Time-Weighted Rate of Return and a Money-Weighted Rate of Return?

Canadian securities regulators designed Phase 2 of the Client Relationship Model (CRM2) to ensure investors receive clear and complete disclosure of the performance of their investments and fees associated with their accounts. One...

Assessing the Risks of a Recession

Assessing the Risks of a Recession

Canada was not in recession in early 2015, and never has been without a U.S. recession. Indicators of a U.S. recession are rising, namely yield curve flattening and tightening lending standards... ...but these...

Five Year-End Tax Planning Strategies

Five Year-End Tax Planning Strategies

As we approach the end of 2015, investors should be aware of things they can do with their portfolios to minimize their 2015 taxes. Here are five strategies to ease the burden...

What Drives Interest Rates?

What Drives Interest Rates?

With interest rates at record low levels, investors ranging from long-term investment funds (Pension Plans & Endowments) to individuals planning for retirement are facing a number of unique challenges. So what drives market...

How to Make an RRSP Decision that's Right for Your Age

How to Make an RRSP Decision that's Right for Your Age

As the RRSP deadline of March 2 approaches, many investors are reviewing their portfolios and strategies, but with the Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA), investors have another place to put their funds. In...

The Oil Conundrum

The Oil Conundrum

In the spring of 2014, the feeling among investors was that crude oil prices would average $101 per barrel over the next year and $103 per barrel over the next 2 years. Fast...

Why The Bank Of Canada Will Raise Rates Later And Slower Than The Fed

Why The Bank Of Canada Will Raise Rates Later And Slower Than The Fed

- Our interest rate outlook implies that the Bank of Canada will normalize monetary policy both later and more slowly than the US Federal Reserve. - We expect the US Federal Reserve to...

Four Ways to Protect Yourself from Another Market Crash

Four Ways to Protect Yourself from Another Market Crash

Six years ago this month, the venerable, 158-year-old investment banker Lehman Brothers collapsed and the world was plunged into the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. As the sixth anniversary of the...

The Good and Bad of High-frequency Trading

The Good and Bad of High-frequency Trading

Since the publication of Michael Lewis’s new book, Flash Boys, a startling amount of attention has been given to the practice of high-frequency trading. HFT is a nuanced and highly complex part of...

Tax Tips: New CRA Requirements

Tax Tips: New CRA Requirements

You’ve made your RRSP and TFSA contributions. You’ve done your end-of-year tax-loss selling. You’ve contributed to registered charities. You’ve done all the right things to manage your taxes. Now that March is here...