February 16, 2018
| Quiet Counsel
| 8 min read
Reefing the Main: Our Tempered Investment Outlook for 2018
An old sailing adage states that “the time to reef is when you first think of it.” Reefing is the practice of reducing the area of your sail in anticipation of rough weather. You will seldom regret reefing early and you will almost always regret reefing late. In our view, this metaphor is...
February 07, 2017
| Quiet Counsel
| 8 min read
Picking Stocks: Lessons Learned Over The Past 30 years
I was recently reflecting on the many lessons I have learned over my career as an equity analyst at Leith Wheeler. I thought I would describe the following four lessons as well as some of the mistakes I have made over the years.Lesson 1: The stock market is a para-mutual betting system. This...
August 11, 2008
| Planning Matters
| 1 min read
Thank You
Thank you for reading the inaugural edition of our Planning Matters report. Our intention is to offer insight into areas outside of the investing topics that we explore each quarter in our Investment Outlook. The world of “ Personal Finance ” is very large and we will be tapping into the minds of...
August 11, 2008
| Planning Matters
| 6 min read
The Responsibilities of an Executor
The Responsibilities of an Executor One of the most important decisions in preparing a Will is choosing an executor. However, all too often insufficient time is spent on this critical decision. Usually, a family member or friend is chosen without recognizing that being an executor is very demanding and time consuming. In order...
August 11, 2008
| Planning Matters
| 4 min read
Powers of Attorney
Powers of Attorney If you were in an accident that left you unable to manage your financial affairs, do you have someone you trust who could manage your affairs? Have you appointed that person to be your “ attorney ” under a power of attorney document? If not, you may be surprised to...