February 15, 2021
| Institutional Perspectives
| 5 min read
Diffusing Inflation Fears
Milton Friedman famously said that “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” As central banks and governments have implemented record level s of government spending and money creation to counterbalance the economic impact of the global pandemic, some market watchers are wondering if we should heed that warning, worrying that rising government...
February 15, 2021
| Planning Matters
| 7 min read
Who is Your Trusted Contact Person?
In this edition of Planning Matters, we introduce the Trusted Contact Person, an ally to you and your portfolio manager, and someone who can help protect your interests. As portfolio managers, we have more than the performance of your portfolio on our minds. We are in a fiduciary relationship with you, which means...
November 16, 2020
| Quiet Counsel
| 8 min read
Lifting the Fog on ESG
Over the last 15 years, responsible investing has grown dramatically in size and scope, with signatories to the Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI) surging past 3,000 and representing over US$100 trillion in assets under management. With the explosion in environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing, many new strategies have emerged to meet the...
November 15, 2020
| Institutional Perspectives
| 8 min read
What’s in Your ESG?
Over the last 15 years, responsible investing has grown dramatically in size and scope. Investors’ attention has widened beyond ethical and moral issues to include a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and signatories to the Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI) have surged to over 3,000, representing over US$100 trillion in...
November 15, 2020
| Planning Matters
| 7 min read
Six Tips for Helping Your Grown Children Financially
A wise client once said to me that they wanted to give their children a “hand up, not a hand-out.” This guiding principle regularly informs the advice I offer clients making gifts of substance to their adult children. In these times of COVID, youth unemployment (and under-employment) is substantially higher than average and...
August 17, 2020
| Quiet Counsel
| 6 min read
Finding Value in Unexpected Places
This is a two-part series written for private clients as a companion piece to “Has Value Had Its Last Dance?,” a more technical article we wrote recently for our institutional clients. In part one of this series, we provide a straightforward explanation of what makes a stock “Value” or “Growth,” explore what it...
August 16, 2020
| Quiet Counsel
| 6 min read
Finding Value in Unexpected Places: Is Value Dead?
We find it somewhat ironic (and encouraging) that at the current extremes of fear and greed – moments that we Value managers need and indeed celebrate – fresh suggestions are arising that Value is dead. It is encouraging because these “capitulations” of sentiment often mark the peak of the pain and the beginning...
August 15, 2020
| Planning Matters
| 9 min read
Tax Tips for 2020
In this edition of Planning Matters, we turned to accountants Jeffrey Brockman and Jim Chang for tax advice. They offer some excellent tips for income splitting, deducting home renovation costs, and claiming home office expenses during COVID-19. Prescribed Rate Loan Planning As governments borrow to fund COVID-19 programs, our clients are increasingly asking...
May 16, 2020
| Quiet Counsel
| 9 min read
Wrestling the Bear
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the past few months have been unprecedented on many levels. With the combination of elevated market volatility, a steep decline in portfolio values, and a surplus of time to get wrapped up in the daily news, many are concerned about their businesses, savings, and the resulting risk...
May 15, 2020
| Institutional Perspectives
| 12 min read
Has Value Had Its Last Dance?
If we no longer have to care about the price we pay for a company, then Value is dead. If the prices paid for businesses are impervious to human emotion and the fear and greed to which we have previously been susceptible, I suppose we can read Value its last rights. And if...
May 15, 2020
| Planning Matters
| 6 min read
COVID-19 Programs Affecting Your Finances
It seems the past two months have been a steady cycle of uncertainty and questions, answered mostly by more questions and uncertainty. In response, we decided to change the format for Planning Matters this quarter so that we might pass on some needed facts, direction and advice to our clients across a variety...
February 16, 2020
| Quiet Counsel
| 7 min read
Combatting the Cost of Fear
Back in early 2019, we published our annual outlook edition of Quiet Counsel in which we made the case that market corrections such as what occurred in December 2018 are in fact a relatively common phenomenon. We suggested support from central banks through lower interest rates would reduce the near-term risks of recession...