Quiet Money

Quiet Money

The straightforward approach to investing that forms the foundation of our firm's culture.

Our Brand

We’ve dedicated our lives at Leith Wheeler to conducting ourselves with integrity and are known for our diligent, systematic, and at times, contrarian approach to investing.

Our brand, Quiet Money, speaks to these values in the following ways:

Quiet represents the hardworking and humble approach we bring to applying an investment philosophy that avoids chasing noisy, short-term trends in favour of uncovering valuable, long-term opportunities.

Money indicates we are trusted stewards of our clients’ capital and always put their interests first.


Our independence allows us to attract and retain top investment talent and ensure that our team members always remain focused on delivering exceptional investment products and services to our clients.


Our commitment to transparency and fair dealing are at the core of our approach to engaging with clients. We have always managed our firm in a way that prioritizes their best interests.

Who We Serve

We offer customized investment management services to the following investors:

For Individuals

We offer discretionary portfolio solutions, allowing individuals at any stage of their investing lives to benefit from our long-term, value-driven approach.

For Institutions

We invest on behalf of some of Canada’s most prominent pension plans, charitable foundations and endowments, First Nations, universities and corporations.

For Advisors

We offer a comprehensive suite of F-Series Funds to investment advisors, on a fee for service or discretionary basis, at among the lowest fees in the industry.